Themes: Leadership, Productivity, Social Media, Bible, Church..... Purpose: To Journey together interacting as we experience a relationship with God.

Monday, July 30, 2012

How to measure up!

“What is the favor line? It’s the invisible line that tells us whether or not we’ve met enough of someone’s expectations to merit approval. It’s impossible to live in this world without recognizing the favor line’s impact on every area of life”. Wayne Jacobsen, He Loves Me!

We Don’t seem to measure up!
We want to find the favor line with our family, friends, work, and people we meet. We do the same thing with God. We want to reach for the favor line to be accepted. We so often fall short. We don’t seem to measure up.

After we accepted Christ into our lives we go through a mountain top experience. Then comes the valley experience. You know, temptations and problems that overwhelm us. And again we don’t seem to measure up!

Reason why?
1 Peter 5.8 tells us that the Devil is active and not going to stop. Have you ever been in the mountains and have a mountain lion stock you. I was walking along the trail by myself and there was a feeling that something was out there. I could here him stepping in the dry leaves and a brief look of brownish fir between the trees. But he stayed at a distance.

Today we have the same thing taking place. The devil is a roaring lion seeking people to destroy. We are going to look what Paul says in Romans 7:18-24 about his struggle trying to measure up to that favor line.

Realize our condition.
Romans 7:18 Paul says that he has a sinful nature. That there is nothing good in him. He realize that true goodness is a product from God. So the first step Paul take is to realize his condition.

Also realizing the condition of the world we live. We live in a sinful environment. Our nature and the nature of this world moves towards sin. If you have become a new follower of Christ you can expect trouble. Satan is going to double his effort. He will go out of his way to try and tempt, discourage, and destroy you.

The rest of Romans 7:18 says that Paul has the desire to good. The desire to do what Gods wants to keeps us in motion toward Jesus. So when we don’t measure up to the favor line we began to look toward God.

Battle wages on
Romans 7:19-21
We need to understand that there is a battle going on within each of us. That battle is surrendering ourselves to God. I knew a pastor who would always say “all you need to do is die. He would go on to say can a dead man sin”.  The problem is he is missing the point. Once we put the emphasis on us it take away from look toward Jesus.

We all go through a struggle each day. The battle rages on!

Romans 7:23-24 Paul finally gets to the end and simply says there is no hope within us. He calls himself a “wretched man.” I know I have felt that way before. That everything I do is simply does not measure up.

Romans 7:25 - The only one who can save us. There is only one who can rescue us from our condition that is Jesus Christ. This is the key. As long as we try and try we will never make it. We will never measure up the favor line. Its when we stop trying. Because the victory comes through Jesus Christ only.

I read a book I highly recommend is a book by Chip Ingram, The Invisible War. In this book he make an observation that I believe is true. We are in a battle that is going on around us. Our job is to claim the victory.

So often we think that we are fighting for victory But as Chip Ingram points out “As believers in Christ, we do not fight for victory; we fight from victory.   Christ has already won the fight. He the only one that can be measured up to the favor line. We don’t have to because He has done it for us.

Are you willing to stop trying and let go and let God?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's Go!

“My life is out of control!” 

Sheri desperately describes how she feels. She goes on to say, “I have everything you would want. A good income, nice home, children, and a good husband. Who could ask for more. But there is this feeling I can’t explain. An emptiness inside.” 

So many people feel that way. 

Your living the “good life” but there is something missing. The journey starts but soon there are curves, rolling hills, and bridges. We are going to look at what is missing and how to have a fulfilled life.

Let’s Go! The Journey starts!

From the very start we can know that God wants us to have what the Bible calls a “rich and satisfying life.”

We are going to take a look at four steps that are needed for a safe journey:

God’s Original Plan for us was to have a smooth ride.
“I (Jesus) came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.” John 10:10 CEB. He wants us to have a life that is worthwhile. He has a plan for you and me that is fulfilling. Its not a get rich scheme. You can have all the riches in the world and still have a emptiness.

How do we have this life? Through God’s love for us!
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life”  John 3:16 NLT.

Why don’t we experience this type of life?

The bridge is out.
There is a scene in the 1994 movie Speed When the police officer “Jack is notified that the freeway contains a large uncompleted overpass [bridge], but he and Annie [the driver] work together to successfully jump it.” That is the way our life is. Their is a gap in the overpass (bridge). The problem is in real life we can’t make the jump. The Bridge is out!

For all have sinnedi and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3.23 NIV

We were created to have a relationship with God. But something happened - the bridge was washed out. It has caused us to have a headstrong self-willed life. We have chosen to be independent from God and our relationship with Him is broken. This severance is what the Bible calls sin.

For the wages of sin is death… Romans 6.23 NLT

I know that this doesn’t sound good. Sin has generated a tsunami that wiped out the bridge. No matter how hard we try we cannot repair the old bridge. There is only one way we can get across the ravine. So read on and find out how God’s love works.

He built a new bridge
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5.8 NLT

Jesus built a new bridge with His life. He died in our place. I love this verse because it shows me that while I am a sinner He made the provision for my life. He did not wait for me to be perfect.

...Christ died for our sins... He was buried...He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. He was seen by Peter and then by the Twelve. After that, he was seen by more than 500...1 Corinthians 15. 3-6

Jesus rose from the grave. Because of the resurrection I can now experience a relationship with Him. Now I can participate in God’s love and plan He has for me.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14.6 NLT

The only way is to go across the bridge He built.

The Bridge is finished
There was an event that took place 2000+ years ago. It was not an impressive, awe-inspiring, red ribbon cutting event. Yet it is the most powerful, influential, and life changing event in history. It was Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

If we leave His Death, resurrection, and life in the past treating it as just a historical event we loose out on the life He wants to give us.

We must accept Christ and invite Him in.

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1.12 NLT

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast.. Ephesians 2.8-9 NIV

He gives each one individually His grace. There is nothing we can do to earn it. “it is a gift.” It doesn’t matter how much you try - it is only through faith you are saved. But they are nothing compared to the grace He gives us.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Revelation 3.20 NLT
He gives us a personal invitation to receive Him into our lives.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12.2

You can fill that emptiness inside through Jesus Christ.
How does that “new person” look like?
What is your story? How did you become a “new person”?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let the Journey Begin!

A journey begins long before the day of your departure. If your anything like me I make a list and prepare ahead of time. There are arrangements that need to be made and so not to forget anything I prepare a list. 

There are things I don’t want to forget: passports, pet sitters, packing, house, plane tickets, accommodations and the list goes on. 

What is the greatest Journey?

The greatest journey is not the vacation you take every year. Its not even the occasional weekend trip. The greatest journey is called - Life!

The first thing you do is to decide where you are going and what are you going to do when you get there. After all you want the journey to go like clockwork - without a hitch.

 The greatest journey is called-Life!

Life is the one journey we all have to take. It has its ups and downs. Roads that we would rather stay on forever. Roads we hope we will never take again. The Journey Experience blog is a place where we can travel together on this journey called life.


If you are going on a trip the first thing is to choose where you are going. Instead of looking forward take a moment and imagine you are at the end of your life. What would you like people say about your life? What type of person did you become?

Life with a Purpose

I believe that a life has to have a purpose. That way we can set goals to move forward in our journey. Michael Hyatt in his book Life Plan1, talking about God says, “He is the ultimate priority. Until He is first, everything else will seem out of kilter.” 

The next several posts are going to deal with how to have God as the “ultimate priority." Or another way to put it - How to have a relational journey with God.

Here are some of the topic for next several post.
  • Let's Go!
  • What happens when you have a detour?
  • Understanding the journeys road map.
  • The journeys GPS system.
  • Knowing that your GPS is working right.
  • Inviting people on the journey.
  • Making a pit stop.
Are you ready for your journey?

1: At the time of posting Michael Hyatt was offering a free copy of his book Life Plan if you sign up for his email updates