Themes: Leadership, Productivity, Social Media, Bible, Church..... Purpose: To Journey together interacting as we experience a relationship with God.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

5 Ways to turn Your Life Upside Down

by Daryl Crouch (@dkcrouch)

We Think we are heading in the right direction only to find out we really don’t know where we are. We are Lost! Jeff Goins in his book Wrecked says this, “Most people don’t know who they are—sounds trite, but it’s true...They’re struggling to find meaning in their lives. They’re floundering, lost in a cloud of insignificance and mediocrity.”

Is that you? Are you only satisfied with mediocrity. With living a status quo life? Here a 5 ways to turn you life upside down. You will not be the same.

1. Upside Down Start

Oh No! I slept through the alarm! I’m going to be late to my appointment! Sounds familiar? One morning I had an appointment to meet with a couple to regarding a crisis they were facing. I slept in because of a late night church board meeting. As I was driving to meet with the couple it hit me. As a pastor I was dealing with something that is critical to this family. It turned my life upside down. I had to do something different to be effective. I had to try something different.

Try something Different

Instead of jumping up and racing off l find if I spend a moment in quite reflection - I change. This change is accomplished by spending a quite time with God. Reflecting and talking with Him. This helps me to be more effective in dealing especially in a time of crisis.

Prayer is of the utmost importance to the life and attitude of an individual. Begin your quite time by asking God to open your eyes to people you come across. To see, hear, and feel people like Jesus did. Then with compassion reach out and touch a life.

 2. Upside Down Approach

It is easy to be critical about people. I have evaluated someone and when I understood their situation I discovered I was originally way off base. None of us appreciates someone judging us. With an upside down approach we genuinely care for individuals without any strings attached. We accept them at their point in there journey.

Did you know Jesus showed us how to let others know we are His follower? John 13:34-35. I like how the NLT puts it. “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” For further reading on this check out: 1 John 4:7-8, 1 John 4:19-21.

Our life begins to shift when we look differently at people. We begin to stop pursuing our own selfishness.

3. Upside Down Ideas

Try to help alleviate suffering. “To Alleviate is to make something easier to endure.” Try some of these ideas.

  • Food Pantry
  • Soup Kitchen
  • Mentoring someone else
  • Tutoring
  • Hospital
  • VA
  • Homeless Shelter
  • Senior Citizen Center

Get involved:
  • Get involved with a small group ministry
  • Local church
  • Start a ministry
  • Community projects

4. Upside Down... Forgiveness

This is a hard one. Probably because we don’t understand forgiveness. In Micah 7:18 we see God’s Forgiving Grace. “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.” (Micah 7:18, NIV)

We have a God who delights to extend His mercy and grace to us. No matter what you have done God will forgive you. What about forgiving others? Luke 6:37 gives us three fold guidance. One do not judge others. Condemn ... Second forgives others. The result would be we are forgiven.

Imagine someone has just done something wrong against you. They are expecting you to come unglued. Instead you forgive them. That’s turning your life and their’s upside down.

5. Upside Down End

Close the day as you begin. Spend a quite time with God. Part of my quite time is reflecting on His Word. Read the Bible and applying it to my life.

What are some of the ways your life is turned upside down?

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