Themes: Leadership, Productivity, Social Media, Bible, Church..... Purpose: To Journey together interacting as we experience a relationship with God.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Job Search Goes On!

By Daryl Crouch

Photo courtesy of
After talking with several people because my experience was in a negative nature I have chosen not tell the name of the company I applied at. I simply refer to it as Store X. Its more about what we can learn from our experiences.

The Search goes on

In my search for employment led me to the old stand by –Store X. I went online and filled out the application. I figured I could fill it out in quickly. After all its Store X. About an hour or so later I was done. There was intriguing section on how you would interact with customers and fellow employees. I was impressed with the questions the asked. Although some where humorous.

Problem with online applications you loose that face to face contact. So to make the experience more personal I drove down to the local Store X. After all introducing myself to the Personnel Department in order to show initiative.

They blew me away. When one of the head staff in the front of the store called the Personnel Department Lady she just gave him a message to tell me. Actually I could hear it over the phone. “They keep your application online for 60 days and if it fits our criteria we will call you.”

No thank you! No "we appreciate that you in person"! No nothing! They where very rude.

What did I learn?

To tell the truth a church I Pastored was actually similar. Our ministry there began in simply educating the church how to interact with people.

Six Skills We Could Learn.

These six skills are important whether you are looking for a job or if you are an employer. They are even good to use in everyday life.

Attitude Adjustment

Each of us can use an attitude adjustment once in a while. Everyone on the job is a Customer Service Representative. Especially people who are in charge. This is true whether you are in a business or a member of a church. A Customer Service Rep is all about attitude not just a department.

Learn how to treat potential employee’s as potential customer. Because everyone is a potential customer. If people are treated people rude and inconsiderate where do you think they will take there business.


These points are true not only for the employer but also for the individual looking for work. Going with the right attitude is important. Being an active listener is essential. It involves restating the issue to ensure the person knows they are understood.


Understand where people are coming from is vital. Each person is different. Part of understanding s showing empathy. My dictionary says Empathy is “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”.


At one Pastorate I had several people where unintentionally rude. They were good people they just needed to develop healthy people skills. After church we would have a fellowship lunch at different homes each week. When they wanted something passed to them they would say something like “give me the butter” “give me bread” and so on.’

Naturally when our two young children (10 and 4 years old) picked up on these habits my wife would correct them and have them say “would you please pass the butter” and “thank you.” Before long even these stoic, set in there way, adults started to say “please” and “thank you.”

It is so important to show respect to people. By not giving an individual the dignity, respect, and courtesy they deserve you tear down that relationship. I have seen people miss the opportunity to get that ideal job because of not showing a little courtesy.


This is a critical area so many have fallen short. Once I had called to follow-up on an resume I sent in. When I called the secretary said “you are on my task list after I talk with the director I will get back to you.” After two weeks nothing happen. I ended up having to call back because the secretary did not follow-up with me.

Not following up convey a message there is a breakdown in the office. When an individual request or need a solution they should be contacted within 48 hours and:
Let them know what you will do.
What the next steps will be.
How the situation will be resolved.


Whether you are looking for work and an employer you need to be available. The Store X Personnel Department lady Could have answered 2 or 3 quick questions and I would have been on my way. Her being unavailable I questioned is this a healthy work environment I would want to work. Maybe I can shop a little more Store Y instead. After all there are other places I can go.

How we interact with people can make a major difference in our lives. Learn some basic skills can save us a lot of headaches.

How do you apply these skills in Your Life?

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